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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Todays Headlines: Thursday October 29, 2015 New Format

Bernie Sanders Praised By Sen. John McCain, Gets Things Done in a Bi-Partisan Way
John McCain: “I will say Bernie Sanders worked very hard when he was chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee, he, he and I had many disagrements, but we were able to come together, finally, after very spirited discussions—I think my reward will be in heaven, not here on earth for that exercise,” he said. “But the fact is we were able to come together and come and pass legislation that was nearly unanimous in both House and Senate. So he does have a record of advocacy for our veterans.” Read More Here. LINK. LINK, LINK

Hillary Clinton Hasn't Learned a Thing From the War In Iraq
Clinton, it seems, failed to learn anything after supporting the disastrous Iraq War, which plunged a huge swath of the Middle East into chaos and cost her the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination. Instead of embracing diplomacy, she continued to champion ill-conceived military interventions as secretary of state. Read More Here. Link

Clinton Denial of VA Problems Makes Her Unfit to Be Presidential Candidate According to McCain, story by
McCain, R-Arizona, said he was reluctant to offer a favorite to be the Democratic nominee next year but offered that "Bernie worked very hard when he chaired the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee … He does have a record of advocacy for our veterans. I don't know of any legislative activity Hillary engaged in as a Senator." Read More Here. Link

Bernie Sanders Meets With Vice-President Joe Biden

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders met with Vice President Joe Biden at his Naval Observatory residence for an hour Thursday, discussing issues related to campaign finance reform and education, according to a statement released through the Vermont senator's campaign.

The meeting comes more than a week after Biden announced that he would not seek the Democratic presidential nomination.  Read More Here. LINK, LINK

Senator Sanders Calls for End to Death Penalty
“We are all shocked and disgusted by some of the horrific murders that we see in this country, seemingly every week,” said Sanders, an independent senator from Vermont. “And that is precisely why we should abolish the death penalty. At a time of rampant violence and murder, the state should not be part of that process.”  Read More Here. LINK, LINK, VIDEO

Senator Sanders Calls for Decriminalization of Marijuana Use
"In my view, the time is long overdue for us to remove the federal prohibition on marijuana," Sanders said in a speech Wednesday at George Mason University in Virginia that was streamed live to 250 student meetings around the country.  "In my view, states should have the right to regulate marijuana the same way state and local laws now govern the sale of alcohol and tobacco."  Read More Here. LINK, LINK, VIDEO

Bernie Sanders Stands With Muslims
“Let me be very personal if I might. I’m Jewish. My father’s family died in concentration camps,” Sanders said. “I will do everything that I can to rid this country of the ugly stain of racism which has existed for far too many years.”
“Our job is to build a nation in which we all stand together as one people,” he continued. “And you are right, there is a lot of … hatred being generated against Muslims in this country. ... If we are going to stand for anything, we have got to stand together and end all forms of racism.” LINK, LINK, VIDEO

Bernie Sanders Responds to Hillary Clinton's Accusation That He is Sexist
Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders said Thursday that some recent comments by his campaign manager about Hillary Rodham Clinton were “inappropriate,” but pushed back against suggestions that he and his team have treated the Democratic front-runner in a sexist fashion.
The Vermont senator appeared Thursday afternoon on MSNBC, where he was asked to respond to concerns raised by the president of Emily’s List, a group that promotes female candidates, after Sanders’s campaign manager joked about vetting Clinton as Sanders’s vice presidential nominee. LINK, VIDEO
In Case You Missed It: 

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