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Monday, October 26, 2015

From the Office of Senator Sanders, United States Senator for Vermont: Newswatch Monday October 26, 2015

Generic Drugs Turing Pharmaceuticals sparked nationwide outrage and government investigations by raising the cost of Daraprim, a drug for treating AIDS and cancer, from $13.50 a capsule to $750 last month. This week, the biomedical company Imprimis Pharmaceuticals of San Diego introduced a competitor to the medication — for $1 a capsule, The Los Angeles Times reported. Imprimis plans to take the same strategy to undercut other generic drugs sold at far more than their manufacturing cost. The move comes after Sanders started investigating increasing drug prices in October of 2014. LINK
Exxon Mobil Sanders has asked Attorney General Loretta Lynch to examine whether Exxon Mobil violated federal law and engaged in "corporate fraud" by pushing "a misinformation campaign" about fossil fuels, The Houston Chronicle reported. The company is pushing back with a news release blasting the allegations as "inaccurate and deliberately misleading" and a top executive taking to Twitter to repudiate the claims - comes amid mounting calls for a federal investigation of the company. They point to corporate efforts to fill the substantial gaps in knowledge that existed during the earliest years of climate change research," Exxon’s Vice President of Government Affairs Ken Cohen tweeted at some critics, including Sanders, the Sierra Club, and founder Bill McKibben. LINK
Column: Workplace Democracy Act “We are demanding a free and fair organizing process just like the one Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is proposing in his “Workplace Democracy Act.”   Instead of going through a sham election, we should be able to join a union by just signing a union membership card. Nobody should interfere with our right to sign-up for a union just like no one can stop us from signing up for a church or political party,” Betrand Olotara and Luz Villatoro wrote in The HillLINK
Hurricane Patricia Just a day after menacing Mexico as one of history's strongest storms, Hurricane Patricia left surprisingly little damage in its wake Saturday and quickly dissipated into a low-pressure system that posed little threat beyond heavy rain, The Associated Press reported. LINK
Driving While Black A New York Times examination of traffic stops and arrests in Greensboro, N.C., uncovered wide racial differences in measure after measure of police conduct. LINK

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