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Friday, October 30, 2015

Todays Headlines: Friday October 30, 2015

Bernie Sanders Hires The Most Important Immigration Activist in the USA

Erika Andiola, the most well-known immigration activist in the country, is joining the Bernie Sanders campaign, according to three sources with knowledge of the hire.
It’s a big splash in the immigration movement, as Andiola is respected up and down the loosely connected advocacy apparatus that includes groups close to the Democratic establishment, groups far to the left, and undocumented immigrants in local communities, where Andiola has worked across the country. Link, En Espanol, En Espanol, Twitter
Sanders Wants to Expand Social Security, Clinton to Raise Retirement Age and Make Cuts 
During a visit to a senior center here Friday, presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders highlighted his support for expanding Social Security benefits, an issue on which he asserted he has a “strong disagreement” with Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton.
It was the third time in as many days that the Vermont senator has sought to draw attention to a policy difference with Clinton, reflecting a recent shift to a more aggressive strategy as he seeks the Democratic nomination. Link, Link, Bernie Sanders Explains Social Security Video
More Details About the Meeting Between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders
Among the many issues they discussed was the need to address campaign finance reform so that the wealthy and powerful cannot wield undue influence in the political process. They also spoke about the need to extend public education in the United States through college so every young person in America, regardless of income, will be able to get a college education.  Link, Reddit, 
Sanders Does Not Think That The State Should Be In The Business of Killing People

Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, called for the abolition of the death penalty in a speech on the Senate floor on Thursday, a move that highlighted the issue and the fact that he is to Clinton's  left on it.

“We are all shocked and disgusted by some of the horrific murders that we see in this country, seemingly every week,” Mr. Sanders said. “And that is precisely why we should abolish the death penalty. At a time of rampant violence and murder, the state should not be part of that process.” Link, Link, Video

1000 Women in South Carolina Endorse Bernie Sanders
Charleston, S.C. – In a signal of the growing support for U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign in South Carolina, more than 1,000 women across the state have endorsed his candidacy.
“We are thrilled to have such broad enthusiasm among local women for Sen. Sanders,” State Director Christopher Covert said Wednesday. “Sanders has fought for women’s rights and economic fairness throughout his life and the support in South Carolina reflects the national movement of American women joining our campaign.”
Christale Spain, the South Carolina Director of Political Outreach, said that “as a black woman and a single mother, it was crucial to support a candidate who has demonstrated a commitment to advocating for me and the issues that impact my community. Sen. Sanders has been a champion of civil rights and economic equality for women for thirty years, and I am proud to endorse him.” Link
Other Endorsements Today
Fadi Abouabsi Arab-American Rapper
Thom Hartmann Progressive Journalist
In Case You Missed It

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