
#SandraBland #SayHerName AFL-CIO African-Americans Anderson Cooper Arizona Atlanta Benjamin Dixon Show Bernie Dolls Bernie is Unelectable Bernie Music Bernie Sanders Quiz Bernie2016TV Bill de Blasio Bill Maher Birthday Black Lives Matter Boston Brunch with Bernie California Campaign Coverage Campaign Finance Reform Campaign Manager Campaign Photography Campaign Rally CampaignZero Campus Sexual Assault Bill Capitalism Cartoons Celebrity Endorsements Charlie Rose Chicago Climate Change Clinton/Obama Debate Highlights CNN College Tuition Colorado Comic Book Congressional Black Caucus Cornel West Cost of Proposals Criminal Justice Daniel Craig Danny Devito David Pakman Show DC Rally Death Penalty Debate Debates Democratic Socialism Deray DNC DOMA Donna Brazile Dreamers Drug Costs Economic Injustice Economic Justice Ed Schultz Elizabeth Warren En Espanol Endorsements Enough is Enough DC Rally Environment Evangelicals Events Exxon Face the Nation Fact Checking Flashback Friday Folk Album For-Profit Prisons Foreign Policy Full Interview Fundraising Global Warming Grassroots for Bernie Rally Gun Control Headlines Hillary Clinton Immigration Reform Indiana Infrastructure Plan Interview Iowa Iowa State Fair Iowa Straw Poll Iraq War Jeff Weaver Jefferson-Jackson Dinner Jesse Jackson Jesse Ventura Joe Biden Keep Hope Alive Keystone Pipeline Killer Mike Koch Brothers Labor Unions Larry Wilmore Las Vegas Latinos Laura Flanders Show LGBT Issues Liberty University Lil B Los Angeles Rally Maine Marcus Ferrell Marijuana Mark Ruffalo Mass Incarceration Media Meet the Press Mia Farrow Michael Eric Dyson Military Millenials MSNBC Music Video Monday NAACP National Security Nevada New Hampshire New Yorker Newswatch North Carolina Oil Companies Podcast Politics Nation Polls Pope Francis Prison Industry Profile Propaganda Puerto Rico Rachel Maddow Racial Justice Racism Rally Real People for Bernie Sanders Reddit Reno Republicans for Bernie Richard Wolff Ryan Lizza Sanders Staff Sarah Silverman SC Democratic Forum Senator Sanders Unfiltered Sexism SNL Soapbox Social Security Socialism South Carolina Speech Stephen Colbert Student Town Hall Sunday Funnies Susan Sarandon Symone D. Sanders Ta-Nehisi Coates Take Me To Church Talib Kweli Taxes Teamsters Tony Tig Town Hall Meeting TPP Trade Trump Tucson TV Ad Universal Healthcare Virginia Voting Rights Act Wall Street Wing Ding Dinner Wisconsin Women's Issues

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Progressive Soup: A Bernie Sanders Thanksgiving (Local Cable Access Show)

Jeannine Lupo, Nick Smith and Debra Cohen - Volunteers for Senator Bernie Sanders Presidential campaign - visit Progressive Soup to discuss their motivation for volunteering their personal time and becoming involved in politics (other than voting) for the first time in their lives. 

The Speech: Senator Bernie Sanders Filibuster (Full 8 1/2 hours)

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Wednesday the 25th of November

On Wednesday’s show, Ed is joined by Col. Jack Jacobs, Retired, to discuss Russia’s role in the fight against ISIS. Former Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-ND, joins the show to discuss how taking on ISIS plays into the 2016 election. Michael Eric Dyson, Professor at Georgetown University and Opinion Writer for the New York Times, joins Ed to discuss the social unrest after police shootings of African American men in Chicago and Minneapolis.

Huff Post Live: Killer Mike interviewed about his support for Bernie Sanders November 24

Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Tuesday the 24th of November

On Tuesday’s show, Ed gives commentary on how one of the Republican presidential candidates is a liar and the another is just an idiot. We are joined by former Ohio Sen. Nina Turner, D-Cleveland, to discuss her endorsement of Sen. Bernie Sanders and what it will take for him to gain support in minority communities. Democratic Strategist Bob Shrum also joins the show to discuss the Republican primary and the xenophobic nature of their position on refugees.

Bernie Sanders Introduces Comprehensive Immigration Plan

MoveOn 2016 Presidential Forum With Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley, Hillary Clinton Refused To Participate (November 18, 2015)

Run The Jewels - Run The Jewels [OFFICIAL VIDEO] (Killer Mike's Group)

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

1950s Superman Reminds Us That Racism is Un-American

Today at the Huffington Post: 
The poster reads: "...And remember, boys and girls, your school -- like our country -- is made up of Americans of many different races, religions and national origins. So … if YOU hear anybody talk against a schoolmate or anyone else because of his religion, race or national origin -- don’t wait: tell him THAT KIND OF TALK IS UN-AMERICAN." 

Read more here

Killer Mike & Bernie Sanders Campaign Rally In Atlanta, GA on November 23, 2015

Monday, November 23, 2015

Killer Mike Gives A Powerfull Speech At Bernie Sanders Rally In Atlanta ...

Read Rolling Stone's Coverage Here.

Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Monday the 23rd of November

On Monday’s Show Ed gives commentary on Republicans wanting a database of Muslims in the United States because they are afraid of Syrian refugees. We are joined by Larry Cohen, former President of the Communications Workers of America and Bernie Sanders Campaign surrogate, to discuss Sen. Sanders’ attempts to woo southern voters. Con. Seth Moulton, D-MA, to discuss the Syrian refugee crisis and how he helped a Iraqi refugee himself. Finally, Dr. James Peterson, Professor of Africana Studies at LeHigh University, joins Ed to discuss Donald Trump saying a Black Lives Matters Protester should have been roughed up at his event in Alabama over the weekend.

Bernie Sanders Speech Rally Savannah Georgia 11/21/15

Bernie Sanders Takes His Message to South Carolina Churches November 22, 2015

ABC Breaking News | Latest News Videos "My name is Bernie Sanders. I am a United States senator from the state of Vermont," he began at Mt. Moriah Baptist Church. "I am running for president of the United States, because I believe that in our great country we can do a lot better for working people and poor people than we are currently doing. "I want to see the United States as a country that does not have more people in jail but has the best educated population on earth," he said. The 74-year-old senator continues to face an uphill climb with this core Democratic constituency, but according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll released today, Sanders is seeing more and more support from minorities nationwide. Read More Here.

Bernie Sanders Georgetown Speech on Democratic Socialism and Foreign Policy, November 19, 2015

Coverage of the Georgetown Speech

Sunday, November 22, 2015

2nd Dem Debate Spin Room: Tad Devine, Jeff Weaver, Symone Sanders and Others (11/14/15)

2nd Dem Debate Spin Room w/ Tad Devine (Bernie Sanders' campaign Senior Advisor), Jeff Weaver (Bernie Sanders' National Campaign Manager), Symone Sanders (Bernie Sanders' National Press Secretary), Robert Becker (Bernie Sanders' Iowa Campaign Manager), and Arturo Carmona (Bernie Sanders' Latino Outreach Director)

Bernie Sanders: South Carolina Q&A After Officially on Ballot November 21

Hillary Clinton (2008) Defending Bernie Sanders Against Hillary Clinton (2015)

Bernie Sanders speaks at the 2015 Criminal Justice Forum (11/21/15)

Friday, November 20, 2015

Sen. Bernie Sanders gives Speech on Democratic Socialism (With John Nich...

Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Friday the 20th of November

On Friday’s Show, Ed gives commentary on the Republicans voting to block Syrian and Iraqi refugees from entering the United States and Donald Trump suggesting he would implement a registration program for Muslims in the United States. We are joined by Reps. David Cicilline, D-RI, and Steve Cohen, D-TN, to discuss the vote in the House to “pause” the refugee program. John Nichols, Washington Correspondent for the Nation, joins Ed to discuss Bernie Sanders’ address at Georgetown regarding Democratic Socialism.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Why the Postal Workers are for Bernie

Bernie Sanders interviews Nomi Prins Who Explains Why He Says Wall Street is Predicated on Fraud

Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Wednesday the 18th of November

On Wednesday’s show, Ed is joined by Steve Clemons, Washington Editor-at-Large for the Atlantic, to discuss Russia’s involvement in the fight against ISIS. We are also joined by Con. Gregory Meeks, D-NY, to discuss the Syrian refugee crisis. Con. Alan Grayson, D-FL, joins the show to discuss the lack of a comprehensive plan to take out ISIS. Ed also gives commentary on Ben Carson being clueless when it comes to foreign policy.

Bernie Sanders, Rock Star: Cover of Rolling Stone Nov.18

Wanderlei Silva with Bernie Sanders for President #FeelTheBern

PBS News Hour w/ Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders: Turning our backs on refugees destroys the idea of America, November 17

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Ta-Nehisi Coates on America's Mass Incarceration Problem - Late Night wi...

Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Tuesday the 17th of November

On Tuesday’s show, Ed gives commentary on Republicans wanting to go to war over terror attacks, but they don’t want to think about addressing gun violence in America. We are joined by Con. John Garamendi, D-CA, to discuss whether an invasion of Syria to face ISIS would be the right move. We are also joined by Col. Jack Jacobs, MSNBC Military analyst, to discuss the strategy for fighting ISIS. Finally we are joined by Con. Lois Frankel, D-FL, to discuss the Syrian refugee crisis.

We Need Leadership Willing to Stand Up to Big Pharma, November 17, 2015

Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Monday the 16th of November

On Monday’s show, Ed gives commentary on the terror attacks in Paris and the 2nd Democratic presidential debate. We are joined by Dean Obeidallah, Columnist for the Daily Beast and Host of The Dean Obeidallah Show on SiriusXM, to discuss the rhetoric against Muslims after the attacks in Paris. Admiral Joe Sestak, who is running for Senate in Pennsylvania, joins Ed to discuss the course of action to fight ISIS.

Bernie Sanders Speech in Cleveland, Ohio November 16, 2015

Nina Turner Fires Up Cleveland for Bernie Sanders (November 16, 2015)

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Full Show 11/12/15: Another Major Union Endorses Bernie Sanders

Tonight’s Politics Panel talks the GOP lies about the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the endorsement of Bernie Sanders by the Postal Workers Union, and Hillary’s thoughts on Trump’s immigration “plan.” Thom discusses Charles Koch’s corporate welfare hypocrisy with attorney and radio host Mike Papantonio and in tonight’s Daily take Thom details how today’s Republican party is no longer conservative. 

The American Postal Workers Union Endorses Sen. Bernie Sanders (With Mar...

Sane Progressive: On Tonight's Democratic Debate and Next Steps

Full Show 11/5/15: Corporate Dems Are Fearing the Bern

Thom discusses the freak out by corporate Democrats over Bernie Sanders with attorney and radio host Mike Papantonio, what socialism is with Socialist Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant, Kentucky’s great success with Obamacare with former health insurance executive Wendell Potter, and how the Koch brothers are “investing” in our nation’s colleges with student activist Duncan Gilchrist. And Thom ends the show discussing the text of the TPP and what it will mean for working Americans. 

Bernie Sanders Gets The Job Done – A Rarity in American Politics (November 10, 2015)

Ronda Rousey Explains Why She Is Voting For Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders Campaign Video: Rigged Economy (November, 2015)

HillaryClinton vs BernieSanders: In Their Own Words on Issues That Matter

Bernie Sanders: I Will Fight to End Private Corporations Running Detention Centers [CC]

Friday, November 13, 2015

Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Friday the 13th of November

On Friday’s Show, Ed gives commentary on Dr. Ben Carson’s comments about China being involved in Syria, even though there is no evidence of that at all. Ed is joined by American Postal Workers Union President Mark Dimondstein to discuss his union’s endorsement of Sen. Bernie Sanders. We are also joined by Alliance for American Manufacturing President Scott Paul to discuss the need for an infrastructure package and Donald Trump’s comments about currency manipulation.

Ohio Democrat Nina Turner: Endorses Bernie, "Now That I Know What I Know About Bernie Sanders"

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Thursday the 12th of November

On Thursday’s Show, Ed is joined by Mitch Ceasar, former Chair of the Florida Democratic Party, to discuss Sen. Marco Rubio’s momentum after Tuesday night’s debate. We are also joined by United Steelworkers International President Leo Gerard to discuss Donald Trump saying Wages are too high in America.

New Poll: Bernie Sanders Would Kick Trumps Rump and Bush's Butt

Bernie Sanders Rally in Las Vegas (11/815) H/T Natasha Gustafsson

Ronda Rousey Endorsed Bernie Sanders Because of This One Issue

Monday, November 9, 2015

Bernie's Weekend Headline Roundup: November 6-9, 2015

Bernie Sanders Stole the Show at the SC Democratic Forum on Friday November 6

Retrieved from
by Alex Seitz-Wald

ROCK HILL, South Carolina – Bernie Sanders made a pitch to black voters Friday at the First in the South Democratic Presidential forum here sponsored by MSNBC. But he also defended his record on guns and said the Democratic Party must do a better job of reaching out to white working class voters.

The Vermont senator also showed off a lighter side, joking with moderator Rachel Maddow and declaring that his seven grandchildren “are the joy of my life. “

Black voters in the south, including this state, have been Sanders’ weakness in building durable campaign against frontrunner Hillary Clinton, but he made a direct ask for their votes. “I have the economic and social justice agenda that will resonate with African-American community,” he said. “I was there with Martin Luther King Jr. - Dr. King - in the March on Washington.”

Bernie Sanders Gave Keynote at Southern Region of Nat. Federation of Dem. Women

Retrieved at

CHARLESTON, S.C. — U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders will deliver the keynote address to the Southern Regional Meeting of the National Federation of Democratic Women on Saturday, the South Carolina Women’s Democratic Council announced.
“We are elated that he has chosen to speak to our Southern Region women,” the South Carolina Women’s Democratic Council said in a statement announcing the event.
Sanders’ keynote address comes days after more than 1,000 women across the Palmetto state endorsed his candidacy, signaling the campaign’s growing strength among South Carolina women.
“Sen. Sanders has been a dedicated advocate of women’s rights for more than thirty years,” state director Christopher Covert said Sunday. “We are thrilled to partner with an organization whose mission is to encourage political engagement among women in South Carolina.”
Sanders Announced His SC Campaign Staff, Was Endorsed by Key Black Leaders
Retrieved at
CHARLESTON, S.C. — U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders will unveil his South Carolina campaign committee on Saturday at a press conference in Columbia, the campaign announced.
Sanders’ South Carolina committee includes a group of 25 local and state elected officials, faith and Black Lives Matter leaders, county party chairs, labor activists and student organizers. More than a dozen are expected to be on hand for Saturday’s 2:00 p.m. press conference at the Columbia Conference Center.
“Saturday will be a special moment for our campaign here in South Carolina,” state director Christopher Covert said. “We are honored to have the support of such prominent community leaders and look forward to working with them closely to help elect Bernie Sanders in the Palmetto State.”
“Bernie Sanders has consistently fought for the African-American community throughout his life. His policies to enact a $15 minimum wage, reform our broken criminal justice system, eliminate felon disenfranchisement laws and ensure tuition-free public education would would benefit African-Americans in South Carolina tremendously,” said state Rep. Terry Alexander (D-Florence).
Dr. Gloria Tinubu, the first African-American woman in the state to win the Democratic nomination for Congress, said “Sanders is in the tradition of President Franklin Roosevelt, who led our parents and grandparents through one of the most challenging times in our nation’s history. Like President Roosevelt, Bernie Sanders is fighting to protect our democratic way of life and our four freedoms.”
“I support Sanders’ civil rights platform and his positions to address institutional racism and structural inequality,” Omari Fox, the leader of Columbia’s Black Lives Matter organization, said. “Sanders has been a champion of the Black Lives Matter movement and his policies to end the disastrous War on Drugs and the failed era of mass incarceration are the strongest of any candidate in the race.”
Bernie Sanders Held A Rally in Aiken, SC 
Don't Ask Me How, But on Sunday Sanders Appeared on CBS, NBC, ABC, and CNN
NBC Meet the Press with Chuck Todd (Chuck Todd was so bad, I don't want to post it)
Tio Bernie Held A Rally in Las Vegas on Sunday Nov. 8 Tailored to the Latino Community
Retrieved at
by Kate Linthicum
In a speech that appeared tailored to Latino residents on the city’s northeast side, Sanders vowed to stop large-scale deportations and close privately owned immigrant detention centers. He was introduced by two young Latino activists — one of whom told the story of her father’s deportation — as well as a 10-piece mariachi band.

On Monday, Sanders will speak at a national gathering of immigration activists.

Sanders' explicit appeals to Nevada’s growing Latino electorate are not accidental.

The senator from Vermont would need to capture large numbers of Latino and African American votes to best Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton in Nevada’s Feb. 20 caucus.
Sanders Spoke at Fair Immigration Reform Movement on Monday November 9, 2015, Promises Major Action on Immigration Within First 100 Days of Presidency
Retrieved at

by Sam Frizell

“We cannot and we should not sweep up millions of men, women and children, many of whom have been in the United States for years, and throw them out of the country,” Sanders told a national immigration reform summit meeting in Las Vegas.

Sanders, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for president, said he would use presidential powers to allow all undocumented people who have been in the United States for at least five years to stay in the country without any fear of deportation.

He added that he would not wait for Congress to act to expand Obama’s DACA, or the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.

Bernie Sanders Heats Things Up In Las Vegas | Nov 8, 2015

Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Monday the 9th of November

On Monday’s Show, Ed gives commentary on Dr. Ben Carson claiming that his campaign is facing too much scrutiny from the media. We are joined by Larry Cohen, former President of the Communications Workers of America, and Surrogate for the Bernie Sanders campaign, to discuss the Senator’s comments over the weekend. We are also joined by Jane Kleeb, Director of Bold Nebraska, to discuss the Nebraska Landowners’ big win when President Obama rejected the Keystone XL Pipeline.

CNNs Gloria Borger Interviews Bernie Sanders: Americans want the real issues (November 8, 2015)

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Former SC Congressional Candidate Dr. Gloria Tinubu: Why I’m Supporting Bernie Sanders

Dr. Gloria Tinubu speaking at a press conference in Columbia, where U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders unveiled his South Carolina campaign committee. Sanders’ South Carolina committee includes a group of 25 local and state elected officials, faith and Black Lives Matter leaders, county party chairs, labor activists and student organizers.

CBS Sunday Morning with Jim Axelrod: Bernie Sanders is Calling for Political Revolution

Sen. Bernie Sanders on 2016 Presidential Race Full Interview with George Stephanopoulis Nov.8th 2015

SC Rep. Terry Alexander Endorses Presidential Candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (November 7, 2015)

Retrieved at

By Paul Heintz
A group of South Carolina political leaders and community activists threw their support behind Sen. Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign Saturday afternoon in the state capital.

Speaking at the Columbia Conference Center, state Rep. Terry Alexander (D-Florence) hailed Sanders' participation in the civil rights movement and said the candidate had "fought for the African American community" throughout his political career.

"I'm here because it is clear to me — it is clear to me — that Sen. Sanders is the strongest candidate here for African Americans," Alexander said. "And he will bring about change, not only in the African American community, but he will bring about change in this country that the least of these will have the same opportunity as those 1 percent at the top."

Like Alexander, most of those who stood with Sanders at Saturday's press conference were black. The message was clear: Just because the independent Vermonter represents a state in which 19 out of 20 residents are white does not mean he's incapable of representing the black community.

Read More Here

Bernie Sanders Rally at University of South Carolina Aiken 11/7/15

People for Bernie Sanders Enough is Enough Rally San Diego News Report November 7, 2015

Saturday, November 7, 2015

TYT: The Biggest WINNER Of MSNBC's Democratic Forum November 6, 2015

TYT: Bernie Sanders, Unlike Hillary Clinton, Walks the Walk on Campaign FInance Reform

Bernie Sanders Speech at South Carolina Democratic Woman's Council 11/7/15

Southern Political Expert Dr. Adolphus Belk, Jr. on Senator Bernie Sanders

Retrieved from:

By Jasper Craven
Dr. Adolphus Belk Jr., a Winthrop professor who specializes in U.S. racial politics, said the poll didn’t show antipathy from black voters towards Sanders, but simply demonstrated a “lack of familiarity” with the Vermont Senator.
Belk said that while Clinton does have an organizational edge over Sanders, the former First Lady doesn’t have the strongest record on mass incarceration, which is a major issue for some African-Americans. He pointed to the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, which was championed by then President Bill Clinton in the 90s.
“As far as former Secretary Clinton is concerned, this has been a tough issue to negotiate,” Belk said. “Now people are starting to look more critically at the 1994 crime bill which had a rather deleterious impact when you think about the growth of mass incarceration.”
Rep. Clyburn, long considered one of the most powerful U.S. Congressmen, said Clinton’s strong number in the state could change as more voters are introduced to Sanders (He is touring the state Saturday).

NPR: Bernie Sanders Complete Interview (November 4, 2015)

Bernie Sanders Highlights Civil Rights | Democratic Forum | MSNBC

South Carolina MSNBC Democratic Presidential Forum Hosted By Rachel Maddow (Full Forum) November 6, 2015

SDCF from mon on Vimeo.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Jim Clyburn Previews The SC Democratic Forum Tonight

Press Q&A | Sanders Files in New Hampshire’s Democratic Party Primary

TPP Can Still Be Stopped, Lori Wallach from Public Citizen Explains

Bernie Sanders on NPR, Discusses Democratic Socialism

BERNing Up Brooklyn

BERNing Up Brooklyn from TANK on Vimeo.

Bernie Sanders Weekly Roundup News and Commentary: Friday 6, 2015

Sanders Hitting Hard on Differences With Clinton 

“I disagree with Hillary Clinton on virtually everything,” said Sanders during a meeting with the Boston Globe’s editorial board. “What is important is to look at is the record, the track record that Hillary Clinton has had for her long and distinguished career as a public figure.”
Sanders said he was “delighted” that Clinton, the former secretary of state, recently said she opposes the mammoth trans-pacific trade deal. But he noted that she remained silent earlier this year when liberals were trying to find the votes needed to help block legislation that limited Congress’s input to a yes or no vote.
Sanders Files Paperwork to be on New Hampshire Ballot
Sen. Bernie Sanders filed his paperwork without issue in New Hampshire Thursday to appear on the state’s first-in-the-nation presidential primary ballot. 
The longtime Vermont independent senator faced no challenges at Secretary of State Bill Gardner’s office, despite earlier concerns about whether he legally qualified as a Democrat. Sanders declared himself a Democrat Thursday, and he said he will run as a Democrat in future elections. That was good enough for Garnder.

“I’m a Democrat and should be on the ballot, I don’t think I need to say too much more,” Sanders said.

The chairman of the New Hampshire Democratic Party, Ray Buckley, accompanied Sanders and vowed to fight any challenges. Sanders brought a lawyer and a statement from the Vermont Democratic Party chair vouching for him as well, just in case. The precautions were unnecessary, however, as the senator signed the proper paperwork and delivered his fee to applause, joking that he felt like the president signing a bill.

Sanders Co-Sponsors Legislation to Keep Fossil Fuel in the Ground on Federal Land

Sens. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) have just introduced the Keep It In the Ground Act, a short but potent bit of legislation that would effectively lock up fossil fuel reserves on US public land.

Vox, WTHR, Video

Related Articles:

Sanders Introduces Legislation to Legalize Marijuana Use

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) has now moved forward with his support for cannabis, filing a bill to decriminalize pot and nix it from the government’s list of most dangerous drugs.
He submitted the bill, entitled Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2015, to the Senate on Wednesday, seeking to remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act. The legislation would let all 50 states decide for themselves whether they want to legalize pot for recreational or medical use without federal intervention.
Related Articles:

Sanders Affirms Support for FBI Investigation into Clinton Emails

Sen. Sanders of Vermont, in an interview with The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday, also said the federal investigation of the security surrounding Mrs. Clinton’s private email account is appropriate.
In the Democratic debate last month, Mr. Sanders said voters were “sick and tired” of the focus on Mrs. Clinton’s “damn emails.” Afterward, many Democrats and political analysts said that he had appeared to dismiss her use of a private email account and server in her four years as secretary of state.
Mr. Sanders rejected that assessment on Wednesday. If her email practices foiled public-records requests or compromised classified information, those are “valid questions,” Mr. Sanders said.
Related Articles: 

Bernie Sanders Cares More About Women's Issues Than Hillary Clinton
Despite what Hillary Clinton and many of her supporters would have you believe, she is not the only feminist running for president in 2016. In fact, her opponent Senator Bernie Sanders has a far better record of fighting for women’s rights.
“I do understand there is a desire on the part of many women—perfectly understandable—to see a woman being elected president. And we all want to see that. We want to see women hold more political offices,” said Mr. Sanders in aninterview with The Washington Post in September. “But I also would hope that, in these enormously difficult times, where it is absolutely imperative that we stand up to the billionaire class, bring our people together, to fight for a progressive agenda, that all people—women—look at that candidate who has the record to do that.”
Related Article:


Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Friday the 6th of November

Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Thursday the 5th of November: Trump, Super-pacs, Ryan and TPP

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wall Street Journal Interview with Bernie Sanders (November 4, 2015)

Bernie Sanders - Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground

Merkley and Sanders: Keep Fossil Fules in the Ground (November 4, 2015)

Bernie Sanders' Major Climate Change Speech - November 4, 2015

Bernie Sanders: Has Delivered A Very Consistent, Honest Message for 30 Years

Four Must-Read Articles About Bernie Sanders (and 1 about Hillary Clinton)

Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone
November 3, 2015

The Case for Bernie Sanders

Sanders is a clear outlier in a generation that has forgotten what it means to be a public servant. The Times remarks upon his "grumpy demeanor." But Bernie is grumpy because he's thinking about vets who need surgeries, guest workers who've had their wages ripped off, kids without access to dentists or some other godforsaken problem that most of us normal people can care about for maybe a few minutes on a good day, but Bernie worries about more or less all the time.

Read More Here

Brent Budowsky, Observer
November 3, 2015

How Bernie Sanders Can Save The Democrats

The problem with the Hillary Clinton candidacy, to put it in terms that are brutally blunt, is that she appears to be endlessly engaging in almost hourly political calculations and maneuvers. While Bernie Sanders is the ultimate conviction politician, taking stands of principle that he has long championed and deeply believed in, Hillary Clinton is the ultimate calculating politician, taking stands that shift with political winds which lead to abnormally high levels of public distrust of her.

Read More Here

Lauren Holter, Bustle
November 3, 2015

Seven Fantastic Times Bernie Sanders Stood Up For Women and Their Rights

Bernie Sanders has made it abundantly clear that he cares about tackling more than corporate greed, and he has proven that Hillary Clinton isn't the only feminist running for the Democratic presidential nomination. He's not only pro-choice, but also believes women should have complete control over their bodies, should make the same amount of money as men for equal work, and shouldn't have to worry about domestic or sexual violence.

Peter Dreier and Pierre Clavel, The Nation
June 2, 2015

What Kind of Mayor Was Bernie Sanders

Thanks to Sanders, the Burlington waterfront now has a community boathouse and other facilities for small boats. There’s also a sailing center and science center, a fishing pier, an eight-mile bike path, acres of parkland, and public beaches. The commercial development is modest and small-scale. On May 26, Sanders kicked off his presidential campaign with a rally at Waterfront Park.

Bryan Schatz, Mother Jones
May 28, 2015

Hillary Clinton Oversaw Arms Sales to Donors to Clinton Foundation
In 2011, the State Department cleared an enormous arms deal: Led by Boeing, a consortium of American defense contractors would deliver $29 billion worth of advanced fighter jets to Saudi Arabia, despite concerns over the kingdom's troublesome human rights record. In the years before Hillary Clinton became secretary of state, Saudi Arabia had contributed $10 million to the Clinton Foundation, and just two months before the jet deal was finalized, Boeing donated $900,000 to the Clinton Foundation, according to an International Business Timesinvestigation released Tuesday.

Bernie Sanders Pitches to His Grandson in Vermont [CC]

Bernie Sanders Leading GOP Rivals By Wider Margin Than Clinton

Chris Hayes: Sanders, You Can't Fight Wall Street Corruption if You Take Their Money

Monday, November 2, 2015

CNN: Lil B Speaks On Endorsing Bernie Sanders

Todays News: Monday November 2, 2015

Bernie Sanders' Campaign Released First Television Ad on November 1 in Iowa and NH

BURLINGTON, Vt. – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign on Sunday released its first television ad, titled “Real Change.”

The ad highlights the senator’s history of standing up “for working families and for principle.”

“Thousands of Americans have come out to see Bernie speak and we’ve seen a great response to his message,” Jeff Weaver, the campaign manager, said. “This ad marks the next phase of this campaign. We’re bringing that message directly to the voters of Iowa and New Hampshire.”

The ad will air statewide in Iowa and New Hampshire and is part of a buy exceeding $2 million. Bernie, New York Daily News, CNN, NPR, Reddit,

Sanders to Deliver Key Note to Southern Federation of Democratic Women 

Charleston, S.C.--U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders will deliver the keynote address to the Southern Regional Meeting of the National Federation of Democratic Women on Saturday, the South Carolina Women’s Democratic Council announced.

“We are elated that he has chosen to speak to our Southern Region women,” the South Carolina Women’s Democratic Council said in a statement announcing the event. CountOn2, The State, Reddit,

Sanders Clearly Draws Out Significant  Differences with Clinton

MANCHESTER, N.H. — During a visit to a senior center here Friday, presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders highlighted his support for expanding Social Security benefits, an issue on which he asserted he has a “strong disagreement” with Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton.

It was the third time in as many days that the Vermont senator has sought to draw attention to a policy difference with Clinton, reflecting a recent shift to a more aggressive strategy as he seeks the Democratic nomination.

Sanders would pay for his Social Security plan — which calls for both extending the life of the program and providing more generous benefits — by expanding the share of workers' wages that is subject to payroll taxes. Under current law, only the first $118,500 in earnings are taxed. Washington Post, ABC News, Union Leader Interview Video


Tom Fiegen US Senate Candidate

In Case You Missed It