Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Todays Headlines: Wednesday September 30, 2015
Ring of Fire: National Education Association to Endorse Hillary, Members Furious
Opposing View: Bernie Vows to Fight Citizens United
David Axelrod: Full Interview with Bernie Sanders Podcast (September 28, 2015)
NWI: Sanders Infrastructure Plan Good for NWI, Steel
Samford Crimson: Why YOU Should Support Bernie Sanders
The Argus: WSJ Intentionally WRONG About Cost of Sanders Proposals
Univision: En Espanol...Bernie Sanders sere un fuerte aliado de la comunidad hispana
Facebook: Univision P & R con Bernie Sanders (En Espanol)
Huffington Post: Sanders Calls Out Obama Team on Global Drug Prices
NASDAQ: Prison Stocks in Focus, Because of Bernie Sanders Plan to End Private Prisons
Newsmax: Sanders Won't Assume Negotiating with GOP Will Be Easy
WSJ: Some Dems to Push DNC Chairwoman to Allow More Debates
Alternet: Bernie Sanders on Death Penalty
No Smoking Media: Photos from Sanders Benefit Show at Shea Stadium
Reddit: Register to Vote...
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Todays Headlines: September 29, 2015
Silver City Sun News: Bernie Sanders Campaign Center to Open in New Mexico
Washington Post: How the Media Fails to Cover Bernie Sanders
Observer: How Bernie Sanders Can Win
Gothamist: Weekend at Bernie's Concert
Daily Beast: Bernie Sanders Returns to Univ. of Chicago as Big Man on Campus
Alternative Nation: Dave Matthews Endorses Bernie
Progress Illinois: Bernie Sanders Energizes Young Supports at Univ. of Chicago Speech
Monday, September 28, 2015
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Todays Headlines: Saturday September 26, 2015
Ring of Fire Radio: Bernie Sanders Explains Why Boehner's Resignation is a Bad Thing
Bulletin Leader: Sanders Ahead by Double Digits in NH
Salon: She's Going Down; Why Hillary Wont Be the Nominee
Sea Coast Online: Bernie Fills the House in Portsmouth
Observer: Bernie Sanders Explains Why Its Time to Expand Social Security
Friday, September 25, 2015
Todays Headlines: Friday September 25, 2015
PR Newswire: Sanders to Address Hispanic Audience at CHCI
Chicago Sun-Times: Bernie Sanders In Chicago on Monday
Vox: What Happened to Bernie Sanders' Best Idea?
Vice: Bernie's Ballsy Idea to Get Rid of Private Prisons
The Hill: If He Could, The Pope Would Endorse Bernie Sanders For President
Examiner: Sanders Expands Lead in Key Primary States
The Week: Sanders Identifies as a Feminist
The State: Sanders Campaign Plans First Volunteer Organizing Push in SC
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Sanders Applauds Pope's Remarks (September 24, 2015)
Todays Headlines: Thursday September 24, 2015
Huffington Post: The Economist Cited by the WSJ Responds and Points Out Sanders Proposals Save Trillions!
Huffington Post: Could Sanders Have a Landslide Victory in the Primaries?
TV Newsroom: Sanders Admires Pope's Progressive Agenda
Village Voice: Weekend at Bernie's Concert at Shea Stadium
Jewish News: Bernie Sanders is Hillary Clinton's Worst Nightmare
Mass Live: Orders Pouring In For Little Bernie Sanders Dolls
Dekalb Chronicle: Stand with the 99%, Vote For Bernie Sanders
Boston Globe: Bernie Sanders, Forceful Debater
Seattle Globalist: Sanders Wants Private Companies Out Of Immigration Detention Business Sanders to Visit Massachusetts on October 3, 2015
American Thinker: Another Twist in Clinton Email Saga More Hillary Clinton Email News, More Falsehoods
Time: Hillary Clinton Threads the Needle on Keystone Pipeline
David Pakman: Clinton Hires Keystone Pipeline Lobbyist
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Todays Headlines: Wednesday September 23, 2015 The Gospel of Pope Francis and Bernie Sanders Cartoon
WNYC: How a Brooklyn Upbringing Shaped Sanders Campaign
AZ Central: ASU Students Mock Elect Bernie Sanders by YOOG Margin
Freetimes: Should Christians Support Sanders
Washington Post: How Bernie Sanders Greeted Pope Francis
New York Times: Bernie Sanders Introduces Legislation to Cap Drug Prices, Hillary Echoes Bernie
Huffington Post: Bernie Sanders Against Keystone Pipeline, Hillary Echoes Bernie
Huffington Post: We Must End For-Profit Prisons
Bulletin Leaders: Dem Donors Not Sold on Hillary
Engadget: Feds Recover Emails from Hillary Clinton's Server
Time: FBI Uncovers Clinton Emails
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Todays Headlines: Tuesday September 22, 2015
Huffington Post: Sanders' Criminal Justice Policies are 'on fleek'
Raw Story: Separated at Birth, Pope Francis and Senator Sanders Preach Economic Justice
Inquisitr: Sanders Joins Striking Workers Before Pope's Visit
Mic: Here's How Bernie Sanders Plans to Win South Carolina
Politico: Sanders Blasts Congress
Mashable: Larry Wilmore and Bernie Sanders Sit Down for Some Soul Food
The Progressive: Ed Schultz Formally Endorses Bernie Sanders
Accidental Socialist: How CNN Completely Made Up a Hillary Bounce
Monday, September 21, 2015
Todays Headlines: Monday September 21, 2015
Washington Post: Stephen Colbert Feels the Bern
Salon: Sanders Rips Carson's Anti-Muslim Rhetoric
Al Jazeera: Pope Francis, Bernie Sanders and the moral imperative of systemic change
Buzz Feed: Cornel West, Sanders Black Staffers Are Fierce
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Todays Headlines: Sunday September 20, 2015
MSNBC: DNC Chair, Wasserman-Schultz Heckled With Chants of "We Want Debates"
Huffington Post: Sanders Reaches for the Converted at Liberty University
Salon: Behind the Scenes with Bernie-Explains Why Dems Have a New Front Runner
Huffington Post: Weekend at Bernie's 2
Loudwire: Serj Tankian, Red Hot Chili Peppers Endorse Bernie Sanders
CBS News: Sanders, Clinton Vie For NH Democrats
Huffington Post/National Nurses United: Help Shatter the Glass Ceiling by Voting for Bernie
The Hill: Is Sanders Unelectable?
DailyKOS: New Hampshire Postal Worker Union Endorsed Bernie Sanders
Real Clear Politics: Sanders, I get 25% of the Republican Vote in Vermont
eNews Park Forest: Sanders Steps Up Outreach in SC and Beyond
Sunday Cartoons: September 20, 2015
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Todays Headlines: Saturday September 19, 2015
The Hill: Sanders More Than 128 Celeb Supporters
Washington Post: Sanders Celebrity Supporters
New York Times: Sanders Lightens Up with Stephen Colbert
Raw Story: Sanders and Colbert, A Match Made in Heaven
SF Bay View: Sanders Files Bill to Ban Private Prisons
International Business Times: NYC Sanders Fundraiser Draws Enthusiastic Crowd
Mass. Live: Nurse at Mass. Dem Convention, Sanders Campaign Will Transform Direction of Country
Huffington Post: Bernie Sanders, A Moment of Truth for Democrats
Salon: Four Reason The WSJ Attack on Bernie Sanders is Absurd (Robert Reich)
Twitter: DWS at NH Democratic Convention, Shouted Down with We Want Debates (Video)
Twitter: Billie Joe Armstrong, Green Day, Endorses Bernie Sanders
BernieSanders.Com: Sanders Remarks at New Hampshire Democratic Convention
The Atlantic: How the Constitution Was Indeed Pro-Slavery
Friday, September 18, 2015
From Charlie Ryan: The Enough is Enough DC Rally Information Update
2) Events of this size require lots of planning with the NPS
3) Because we will be up against winter we are looking to move the event to early March.
4) This will allow sufficient planning time and will be right in the heat of the campaign process.
2) Use professional events planners experienced with National Mall events
3) Attract fiscal and other sponsors and notable guest speakers and performers
2) We have still not secured fiscal sponsors and;
3) We need to pay the professional event planners in advance;
4) As such I have set up a crowd funding page to raise money for this event with an ambitious target.
5) If the target is not achieved we will not proceed.
2) Porta potty's and other amenities
3) Guest speaker fees and travel expenses.
4) Staging, audio and visual, interpreter services and other necessary items to host the event.
5) Pay any applicable taxes. (CauseVox and Paypal will take their cut too)
2) We will use professionals who have produced National Mall events before.
2) This is why we will be asking you for your place of employment on the donations page because we do not want corporate money and need to adhere to FEC rules.
2) I think this is a worthy cause and, apparently, so do a lot of other people.
3) Pride. I am invested in this project now and I want to see it through.
4) I don't want to let 100,000+ people down.
Todays Headlines: Friday September 18, 2015
YouTube: Rachel Maddow, The Interview with Bernie Sanders (9/17/2015)
CBS News: Bernie Sanders on Universal Healthcare
Fusion: What Bernie Sanders and the Evangelicals Share
Atlanta Black Star: Sanders Talks About Racism and Police Violence
Huffington Post: Sanders Raises 1.2 Million in Response to Clinton Super Pac Attack
Huffington Post: Sanders Wants to End For Profit Prisons
Ring of Fire Radio: Liberty University Student-Sanders IS THE Christian Candidate
Mediaite: Halperin (MSNBC) Says Clinton Engaged in McCarthyite Tactics Against Sanders
Cleveland.Com: Black Lives Matter To Bernie Sanders
Daily Californian: Sanders Rally in Berkeley Draws Large Coalition
The Guardian: African-American Congressman Keith Ellison, Sanders is Our Brother, We Are Very Proud of Him
Robert Reich's Facebook Post About The Cost of Sander's Proposals
The Journal's number is entirely bogus, designed to frighten the public. Please spread the truth:
(1) Bernie’s proposals would cost less than what we’d spend without them. Most of the “cost” the Journal comes up with—$15 trillion—would pay for opening Medicare to everyone. This would be cheaper than relying on our current system of for-profit private health insurers that charge you and me huge administrative costs, advertising, marketing, bloated executive salaries, and high pharmaceutical prices. (Gerald Friedman, an economist at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, estimates a Medicare-for-all system would actually save all of us $10 trillion over 10 years).
(2) The savings from Medicare-for-all would more than cover the costs of the rest of Bernie’s agenda—tuition-free education at public colleges, expanded Social Security benefits, improved infrastructure, and a fund to help cover paid family leave – and still leave us $2 trillion to cut federal deficits for the next ten years.
(3) Many of these other “costs" would also otherwise be paid by individuals and families -- for example, in college tuition and private insurance. So they shouldn't be considered added costs for the country as a whole, and may well save us money.
(4) Finally, Bernie’s proposed spending on education and infrastructure aren’t really “spending” at all, but investments in the nation’s future productivity. If we don’t make them, we’re all poorer.
That Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal would do this giant dump on Bernie, based on misinformation and distortion, confirms Bernie's status as the candidate willing to take on the moneyed interests that the Wall Street Journal represents.
Ring of Fire: WSJ Published False Article, Robert Reich Fires Back
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Time: The Gospel of Bernie
By Sam Frizell
The man who brought fire back to the Democratic Party
Twitter-Symone Sanders: Bernie Meets with Young Democrats at Congressional Black Caucus Reception (September 16, 2015)
HAPPENING NOW: @BernieSanders addressing the Young Dems Black Caucus CBC Reception #Bernie2016
— Symone D. Sanders (@SymoneDSanders) September 16, 2015
Todays Headlines: Thursday September 17, 2015
Newser: Sanders Had Some of The Best Debate One-Liners
The Root: Sanders Leads in Iowa and NH, But It's The Black Vote That Counts
Huffington Post: Black Lives Activists Meet with Sanders Campaign
Burlington Free Press: Sanders Meets with Racial Justice Activists
The Nation: Bernie Sanders Proposals Would Actually Save America Big Bucks
AmericaBlog: Bernie Sanders Is Not Extreme
Daily Caller: Wasserman-Schultz on DNC Debates, MSNBC Video
The Guardian: Occupy Wall Street Protesters Rally Around Bernie Sanders
Time: Sanders Dismisses Clinton Super PAC Attacks (Interview)
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Twitter-Deray McKesson: On Meeting with Bernie Sanders September 16, 2105
We'll be meeting with @BernieSanders this afternoon. What are the questions that you'd like to #AskBernie?
— deray mckesson (@deray) September 16, 2015
We just finished the hour-long meeting w/ @BernieSanders re: #CampaignZero, his racial justice plan, & #AskBernie.
— deray mckesson (@deray) September 16, 2015
We covered a lot of ground in the meeting w/ @BernieSanders, from the challenges w/ community policing to medical marijuana.
— deray mckesson (@deray) September 16, 2015
.@BernieSanders had read the newly released Ferguson Commission Report & it was clear that it has informed his understanding of the issues.
— deray mckesson (@deray) September 16, 2015
We spoke w/ @BernieSanders re: "community policing" as code for surveillance in some communities of color &, in the end, I think he got it.
— deray mckesson (@deray) September 16, 2015
We also pushed @BernieSanders to discuss the wealth gap re: race as distinct from the income gap re: race. In the end, he heard us.
— deray mckesson (@deray) September 16, 2015
There were moments during the meeting w/ @BernieSanders where we didn't agree w/ him. Importantly, he was willing to be pushed and he was.
— deray mckesson (@deray) September 16, 2015
& we pushed @BernieSanders to address civil asset forfeiture & I think he heard us. I anticipate that he may address it in his platform.
— deray mckesson (@deray) September 16, 2015
In the end, @BernieSanders' candor & willingness to be pushed re: policy and approach were evident during the meeting.
— deray mckesson (@deray) September 16, 2015
As we ended, we encouraged @BernieSanders to continue to listen deeply to those he engages to ensure that people are fully heard.
— deray mckesson (@deray) September 16, 2015
After the meeting that included @BernieSanders, we stayed to meet with members of his staff to discuss more nuances re: policy.
— deray mckesson (@deray) September 16, 2015
And @BernieSanders' team didn't commit to when the fuller racial justice platform will be released. But I hope it's soon.
— deray mckesson (@deray) September 16, 2015
And @BernieSanders just showed up at the bar.
— Samuel Sinyangwe (@samswey) September 16, 2015
Todays Headlines: Wednesday September 16, 2015
Marijuana Politics: Clinton Super-Pac Attacks Bernie Sanders
Examiner: Clintons Support Weakens Amidst Sanders Surge
CNN: Sanders Joins NAACP in Journey of Justice to Restore Voting Rights Act
Twitter: Deray and Other Racial Justice Advocates Met With Sanders Campaign
PoliticusUSA: Sanders to Introduce Bill to Ban For Profit Prisons
The College Fix: Sanders Co-Sponsors Campus Sexual Assault Bill
Good Magazine: Why This Evangelical Now Supports Sanders
AgWeb: Sanders Embraces Corn Power
The Week: No, Sanders isn't Going to Spend $18 Trillion
Huffington Post: An Economist Pens Letter to WSJ on Their Bernie Sanders Hit Piece
Madison.Com: Back Bernie Sanders to Put People Before Profits
Bernie Sanders and team meeting with Deray McKesson and other racial justice advocates. #CampaignZero #BernieSanders
Stay Tuned: Bernie Sanders Will Live Tweet Tonights Republican Debate
Live-tweeting tonight’s #GOPDebate starting at 8 p.m. ET. #DebateWithBernie
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) September 16, 2015
Deray and Other Racial Justice Activists to Meet with Sanders Campaign Today (September 16, 2015)
It's today, early afternoon, in DC. We'll keep you posted.
— deray mckesson (@deray) September 16, 2015
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Bernie Sanders at NAACP Journey for Justice March September 15, 2015
Bernie Sanders to Meet with Black Lives Matter Leader Deray McKesson on September 16, 2015
We're meeting w/ @BernieSanders tomorrow afternoon in DC. We just confirmed it this morning.
— deray mckesson (@deray) September 15, 2015
Todays Headlines: Tuesday September 15, 2105 Liberty University Edition
Counterpunch: What Bernie Sanders Talks About When He Talks About War
Rapid News Network: Sanders Speaks on Abortion, Same-Sex Marriage, Racial and Economic Injustice at Liberty University
Vox: Clinton Super-Pac Attacks Bernie Sanders
In These Times: Meet the African-American Organizers Building Black Support for Bernie Sanders
Mic: Sanders is Surging and Starting to Get Attention from Top Republican Candidates
Washington Post: No, Bernie Sanders is NOT Going to Bankrupt America
Politico: Sanders Campaign Disputes WSJ Pricetag of His Proposals
Rolling Stone: Bernie Sanders and Pope Francis
Latin Post: Cornel West and Bernie Sanders, West-Sanders is Going to Win in 2016
Salon: This is What a Political Earthquake Feels Like
Politico: Another Poll Has Sanders Ahead in New Hampshire
Observer: Would Pope Francis Endorse Bernie
Huffington Post: Bernie Sanders Needs to Tout His Stellar LGBT Rights Record
Examiner: America Founded on Racist Principles Liberty U. Students React to Sanders Speech
Inside Nova: In Manassas, VA Sanders Talks Immigration Reform, Living Wage, Tuition
Monday, September 14, 2015
Todays Headlines: Monday September 14, 2015 North Carolina and Liberty U Edition
Observer: Sanders Quotes from the Bible at Liberty U.
Salon: Hillary Clinton's Glaring Vulnerability, Why Sanders Must Call Her Out on Hawkishness
The Guardian: Sanders Needs to Define Stance on US Response to Refugee Crisis
Boston Herald: Bernie Revs up Crowd in Greensboro, NC
WFDD: Sanders Draws More than 9,000 to Greensboro Rally
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Sunday Cartoons: September 13, 2105
Todays Headlines: Sunday September 13, 2015 South Carolina Edition
CNN: Sanders Campaign Heads South to Court Black Vote
The Hill: Sanders Touts Criminal Justice Reform Plan at Black SC College
The Atlantic: Bernie Sanders, Faith and Politics
The State: 1000 In Attendance at Benedict College in South Carolina
Washington Post: Cornel West Joins Bernie Sanders in South Carolina
Inquisitr: South Carolina Welcomed Sanders Saturday
SCNow: Sanders to Florence Crowd "Enough is Enough"
Mountain Express: Sanders Message Resonates with the 99%
ABC11: Sanders Campaign Expecting Thousands at Greensboro Rally
Japan Times: Sanders Woos Black Votes
Press Herald: Sanders Building Strong Challenge to Clinton Nationally
Herald Online: At Winthrop Rally Sanders Draws Support of the Young
WBTW: Sanders Speaks Volumes at Florence Rally
Charlotte Observer: 3000 in Rock Hill See Sanders Speak
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Todays Headlines: Saturday September 12, 2015
Atlanta Sun Times: Sanders Holds Fundraising Event in Atlanta
11 Alive: Surging Bernie Sanders Gets Warm Reception in Atlanta
ABC News: Sanders Connects with African-American Supporters
Washington Post: How Bernie Sanders Gets the Democratic Nomination
New York Times: Nothing, Nada, link available
Marijuana Politics: Reuters National Poll Shows Sanders Trails Clinton by Only 8 Points
Reuters: Sanders Gaining Fast on Clinton Nationally
USA Today: Sanders to Boost Prospects in Key Southern States
The Guardian: How Bernie Sanders is Winning Over Voters
Christian Today: Could US Evangelicals Vote for Bernie Sanders? Absolutely
The Republic: Sanders in South Carolina this Weekend
Examiner: Sanders' A Voice for the Millenial Generation
Daily Beast: Don't Compare Sanders and Trump
Friday, September 11, 2015
Bernie Sanders - The President We Need
Todays Headlines: Friday September 11, 2015 Edition
Observer: Clinton Sags, Bernie Surges
New York Times: National Poll of Democrats Shows 37% Support Hillary, 27% for Sanders
CNN: Gap Closing Fast Between Sanders and Clinton in New National Poll
Twitter/This Week: Donna Brazile Says Bernie Sanders is Bringing in New Voters
The Hill: Sanders Meets with Congressional Black Caucus
Politic365: The 6 Black Caucus Members That Met With Bernie Yesterday
In These Times: Sanders Can Help Revitalize the Labor Movement
Huffington Post: After 9/11 Hillary Voted For Iraq War, Bernie Wisely Voted Against
The Fiscal Times: Surprised Sanders is Leading in the Polls? So is He.
Bloomberg: Sanders to Speak at Liberty University on Monday
Cola Daily: Sanders Campaign Opens Field Office in Columbia, South Carolina
National Review: Bernie Sanders Has an Inconvenient Message for the Democratic Party
SuperiorTelegram: Its Time to Take Our Country Back
Twitter: Killer Mike and Bernie Sanders Speak
Twitter: Chris Hayes to Highlight Bernie Sanders Rally
Twitter: Colbert Plugs Bernie Mugs
MSNBC/Hardball: Trumka, Head of AFL-CIO on Bernie Sanders
MSNBC/Chris Hayes: Bernie Sanders Surging in Iowa, NH
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Discussion on the Budget with Sen. Bernie Sanders at Trinity Episcopal Church in Charlottesville, VA (May 11, 2015)
The Discussion on the Budget with Sen. Bernie Sanders took place at Trinity Episcopal Church in Charlottesville, VA on Monday May 11, 2015. Hundreds were in attendance and many hundreds more wanted to attend. Sen. Sanders spoke candidly about the inequities facing the most of the America people by outlining the recently passed US budget.
Todays Headlines: Thursday September 10, 2015
Des Moines Register: Bernie Leads in Iowa, Quinnipiac Poll
Politico: Bernie Takes Lead in Iowa
New York Times: Nothing About Bernie, No Link Available
Bloomberg: Senator Sanders Political Revolution Enters Phase Two
Star Exponent: Culpeper for Bernie Sanders Holds First Meeting
Southern Political Report: Sanders to Make Georgia Appearance
New York Times: Two DNC Officials Call for Adding More Debates
Alternet: Bernie Doesn't Need Super Pac, Thank You Very Much
Marijuana Politics: Clinton Takes Private Prison Cash, Bernie Vows to Eliminate Lucrative Contracts
PoliticusUSA: Sanders Storms the Senate, Calls Out Senate Warmongers
Washington Post: 17, 000 Labor Union Members in Conference Call With Bernie Yesterday
The Hill: Pelosi Praises Bernie
The Hill: Sanders Introducing Bill to Lower Drug Prices
The Hill: Sanders Campaign About to Expand
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Todays Headlines: Wednesday September 9, 2015
UB Spectrum: Sanders May Not Need Mainstream Media Coverage to Win
Feel The Bern.Org: Sanders Birthday Moneybomb Raised Over 100K
CNN: Sanders to Cite Iraq War to Hit Opponents Over Iran Deal
Latin Post: Immigration Not Responsible for Declining Middle Class
USA Today: Can Sanders Find Common Ground with Liberty University Students?
International Business Times: Sanders Vows to Fix Broken Prison System, Lower Drug Prices
Politic365: Sanders to Meet with Black Caucus Tomorrow, AG Today
WNCT: Sanders to Hold Rally in North Carolina This Weekend
San Antonio Express: Sanders Latino Backers Take Issue With Joaquin Castro's Critique
Huffington Post: Most of You Agree with Senator Sanders
CBS News: Sanders Staffs Up in South Carolina
AURN: April Ryan's Interview with Bernie Sanders on September 8, 2015 Sanders Smackdown of Homophobic Congressman
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Todays Headlines: Tuesday September 8, 2015 Bernie Sanders Birthday Edition!
Town Topics: Princeton Launches Local Sanders Campaign
Rutland Herald: Happy Birthday Bernie!
Reddit: Bernie Sanders Birthday Moneybomb
Lacrosse Tribune: Madison's Labor Fest a Labor of Love for Bernie Sanders
Northwest Herald: Bernie Sanders has Right Message
Herald-Review: Liberals Need to Get Behind Sanders
Cental Florida Future: UCF Knights Hold First Meeting to Support Sanders on Tuesday
Political Monitor: Sanders Stumps for Labor Equality in Manchester
Boston Globe: Sanders Spent Day Labor Day in New Hampshire