
#SandraBland #SayHerName AFL-CIO African-Americans Anderson Cooper Arizona Atlanta Benjamin Dixon Show Bernie Dolls Bernie is Unelectable Bernie Music Bernie Sanders Quiz Bernie2016TV Bill de Blasio Bill Maher Birthday Black Lives Matter Boston Brunch with Bernie California Campaign Coverage Campaign Finance Reform Campaign Manager Campaign Photography Campaign Rally CampaignZero Campus Sexual Assault Bill Capitalism Cartoons Celebrity Endorsements Charlie Rose Chicago Climate Change Clinton/Obama Debate Highlights CNN College Tuition Colorado Comic Book Congressional Black Caucus Cornel West Cost of Proposals Criminal Justice Daniel Craig Danny Devito David Pakman Show DC Rally Death Penalty Debate Debates Democratic Socialism Deray DNC DOMA Donna Brazile Dreamers Drug Costs Economic Injustice Economic Justice Ed Schultz Elizabeth Warren En Espanol Endorsements Enough is Enough DC Rally Environment Evangelicals Events Exxon Face the Nation Fact Checking Flashback Friday Folk Album For-Profit Prisons Foreign Policy Full Interview Fundraising Global Warming Grassroots for Bernie Rally Gun Control Headlines Hillary Clinton Immigration Reform Indiana Infrastructure Plan Interview Iowa Iowa State Fair Iowa Straw Poll Iraq War Jeff Weaver Jefferson-Jackson Dinner Jesse Jackson Jesse Ventura Joe Biden Keep Hope Alive Keystone Pipeline Killer Mike Koch Brothers Labor Unions Larry Wilmore Las Vegas Latinos Laura Flanders Show LGBT Issues Liberty University Lil B Los Angeles Rally Maine Marcus Ferrell Marijuana Mark Ruffalo Mass Incarceration Media Meet the Press Mia Farrow Michael Eric Dyson Military Millenials MSNBC Music Video Monday NAACP National Security Nevada New Hampshire New Yorker Newswatch North Carolina Oil Companies Podcast Politics Nation Polls Pope Francis Prison Industry Profile Propaganda Puerto Rico Rachel Maddow Racial Justice Racism Rally Real People for Bernie Sanders Reddit Reno Republicans for Bernie Richard Wolff Ryan Lizza Sanders Staff Sarah Silverman SC Democratic Forum Senator Sanders Unfiltered Sexism SNL Soapbox Social Security Socialism South Carolina Speech Stephen Colbert Student Town Hall Sunday Funnies Susan Sarandon Symone D. Sanders Ta-Nehisi Coates Take Me To Church Talib Kweli Taxes Teamsters Tony Tig Town Hall Meeting TPP Trade Trump Tucson TV Ad Universal Healthcare Virginia Voting Rights Act Wall Street Wing Ding Dinner Wisconsin Women's Issues

Monday, August 31, 2015

Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Monday August 31, 2015

Andrea Mitchell: Bernie Sanders Interview: Attacks From The Establishment | MSNBC

Hillary Clinton on Meet The Press (2008)

Obama/Clinton Debate Highlights Clinton's Dirty Tricks (No. 2 in Series)

Obama-Clinton Debate Highlights Iraq War (No. 1 in Series)

Benjamin Dixon Show: Live! Bernie Sanders Closes the Gap, DNC Supports BLM, Donald Trump, New...

Todays Headlines: Monday August 31, 2015

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sanders Officially Endorsed By SC AFL-CIO

NJ Today Reports on the Endorsement of the South Carolina AFL-CIO's endorsement of Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders.

Read the NJ Today article here.

Read the SC AFL-CIO resolution here.

Sunday Funnies: Weekly Bernie Cartoons

Bernie Sanders State of the Union Interview Jake Tapper - 8-30-15 - CNN

ABC This Week: Sanders on National Security and Foreign Policy

Todays Headlines: Sunday August 30, 2015

Donna Brazile Tweeted Bernie a Whole Lotta Love During His DNC Speech

Donna Brazile, political analyst and Vice Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee tweeted Bernie a whole lotta love regarding his DNC speech on August 28, 2015. She highlighted Bernie's demand to end the national tragedy that is mass incarceration as well as his call for campaign finance reform, an increase in the minimum wage, equal pay for women, combrat climate change and student loan finance reform.

She also tweeted that she was enjoying that Bernie Sanders was lighting a fire under the Dems to disrupt the status quo and start a political revolution and that she was all fired up and ready to go.

None of the other candidates got the same kind of response regarding their speeches from Ms. Brazile.

While not quite an endorsement, she is clearly enthusiastic about the Sanders Campaign!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Learn More About Democratic Socialism from Bernie Sanders + Finnish Ambassador Pekka Lintu (2008)

Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Thursday the 27th of August

Bernie Sanders Can Solve This One, No Problem

Roseanne: Explains the Corporate Takeover, the Effects of Union Busting and Slave Wages

Today's Headlines: Thursday August 27, 2015

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Truth Revolt: Obama, Biden, Schumer and Hillary Clinton Took Money from the Koch Brothers

Truth Revolt: Read about it, here.

Politico: Back When the Koch Brothers gave to Democrats


Koch Brothers EXPOSED: 2014 (ft. Bernie Sanders) • FULL DOCUMENTARY FILM...

Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Wednesday the 26th of August

Benjamin Dixon Show: Live! The Trump Paradox, Bernie Sanders Can Win, Cornel West, David Duke...

Today's Headlines: Wednesday August 26, 2015

John Hopkins University: Forum on Race in America Featuring The Atlantic's Ta-Nehisi Coates

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Town Hall Meeting, Columbia, South Carolina Focus on Racism in the USA (8/21/2015)

Bernie Sanders: Then and Now

A Consistent Middle Class Warrior! Bernie Sanders Has Been Right, Since the 70's... just sayin'

Bernie2016TV: Live from Sumter, South Carolina with Bernie Sanders

Today's Headlines: Saturday August 22, 2015

The Root: Black Lives Matters Asks and Recieves from Bernie Sanders

Los Angeles Times: Black Lives Matter's Plan to End Police Killings

WLOS: Bernie Sanders Draws Large Crowd in Upstate, South Carolina

Sentinel Republic: Bernie Sanders Rally in Greenville Friday

WSJ: My Dinner with Bernie

FiveThirtyEight: This is How Bernie Sanders Could Win

Ring of Fire: Is There Any Surprise Trump Would Have Biggest Appeal in Alabama

The Hill: Sanders Reaching Out to Black Voters in South Carolina

Ring of Fire: Bernie Proposes Legislation to Abolish For-Profit Prisons

Sumter Item: Democrats Urge Hillary to Better Explain Emails

Political News: Leahy and Sanders Call on Financial Regulators to Hold Oil Companies Accountable

Times Argus: Sanders Formula

Newbury Port News: Bernie Sanders is a Man on Fire

IFree Press: Bernie Sanders to Fundraise in Chicago on Monday

Friday, August 21, 2015

Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Friday the 21st of August, 2015

Live Right Now! Bernie Sanders rally in Greenville, South Carolina August 21, 2015

Benjamin Dixon Show: Debating BLM v Hillary, Jimmy Carter, Shaun King, and Deez Nuts

Bernie2016TV: LIVE from Bernie Sanders' Greenville, South Carolina Rally

Todays Headlines: Friday August 21, 2015

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Bernie Sanders Speech at Reno, Nevada August 18, 2015

Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Thursday the 20th of August

Today's Headlines: Thursday August 20, 2015 updated

Examiner: Clinton Loses 9 Points to Sanders in Less than 4 Weeks

VTDigger: Sanders Campaign Hiring Workers for NH Office

National Journal: There's Something About Sanders

Bloomberg: Bernie Sanders Attracts 'Run Warren Run' Members

Marijuana Politics: Bernie Sanders Announces Bill to Abolish Private Prisons

ABCNews4: Sanders Event Moved to Charleston Convention Center

Reno Gazette Journal: Sanders Shows Charisma that Clinton Lacks

Blue Nation Review: Does Facebook Event Show Sanders Growing Popularity

Sun Sentinel: Why I support Team Bernie Sanders

IDS News: Indiana for Bernie Sanders Starts Campaign in Bloomington

WCAX: How Black Lives Matter Has Given Bernie A Golden Opportunity

PoliticusUSA: Sanders' Red State Revolution Causes 2 SC Rallies to Move to Bigger Venues

Yahoo: Poll Shows Support for Sanders Climbs, Dips for Clinton

Ring of Fire: Cornel West Endorses Bernie Sanders, Brother Bernie

Examiner: Jesse Ventura Endorses Bernie Sanders

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

C-SPAn: Road to the Whitehouse Interview

ABCNews: Meet Bernie Sanders' Top Celebrity Endorsers

Mia Farrow, Susan Sarandon, Mark Ruffalo, Sarah Silverman, Danny Devito, Cornel West, Jesse Jackson, Jesse Ventura and the list is growing.....

ABCNews: Meet Bernie Sanders Top Celebrity Supporters

Senator Sanders Unfiltered: Environment + Economy = Harmony

Univision: Precandidato Presidencial Bernie Sanders Reacciona a Polémicas Declaraciones de Donald Trump

Daily Kos: Why Bernie, err, Obama, Will Never, Ever Be Elected President...sound familiar

There is a lot of discussion taking place suggesting that despite rallies that draw 28, 000 people, a lead in NH polling, and a message that resonates with a majority of Americans, that Bernie will never be able to win.  People fear he is too old. However, he is only 6 years older than Hillary Clinton and a mere 4 years older than Donald Trump.  They say he is a socialist. But the truth is he is a Sweden-style democratic socialist, not a scary Stalinist. Labels aside, the plain truth is that  the vast majority of Americans agree with Bernie.

All this got me to remember what was said about Barack Obama prior to his victory in 2008.

From a 2009 Daily Kos Article: 

Oct. 27, 2006: "[Obama] should run in '08. He will lose in '08. And the loss will put him irrevocably on a path to the presidency." For him to win in '08 would require a "miracle." --Charles Krauthammer
Dec. 17, 2006: "Barack Obama is not going to beat Hillary Clinton in a single Democratic primary. I'll predict that right now." -- William Kristol
Dec. 22, 2006: "Obama's shot at the top will be short lived.... Hillary Inc. will grind up and spit out any Democratic challenger that gets in its way." -- Joe Scarborough
Mar. 19, 2007: "The right knows Obama is unelectable except perhaps against Attila the Hun." -- Mark Penn
Sep. 24, 2007: "Sen. Obama cannot possibly believe, and doesn't even act as if he believes, that he can be elected president of the United States next year." -- Christopher Hitchens
Dec. 24, 2007: "A Bound Man: Why We Are Excited About Obama and Why He Can't Win." -- title of book by Shelby Steele
Jan. 26, 2008: "The 'could we beat Obama?' conversation is purely academic. It's over. The Clintons have defeated him already, because he is leaving South Carolina as 'the black candidate.' He won't win another state." -- Michael GrahamNational Review
May 7, 2008: "[Obama] has shown he cannot get the votes Democrats need to win -- blue-collar, working class people. He can get effete snobs, he can get wealthy academics, he can get the young, and he can get the black vote, but Democrats do not win with that.... He will lose big." -- Rush Limbaugh
June 3, 2008: "Obama can't possibly be elected." -- Dick Morris
Aug. 4, 2008: "The Molten Core of Barack: Why Obama Can't Win." -- Alex Castellanos
Aug. 11, 2008: "As I wrote last December, '[t]he pundits can talk until they are blue in the face about Obama's charisma and eloquence and cross-racial appeal. The fact of the matter is that Obama has no chance of being elected president in 2008.' I am more convinced of this conclusion than ever." -- Steven M. WarshawskyThe American Thinker
Aug. 15, 2008: "Most people think Sen. Obama has this election in the bag, but in reality he stands very little chance of reaching the presidency because of the simple fact that he is far too liberal for America." -- Russ
Aug. 31, 2008: "Mr. Obama is doomed to defeat.... Mr. McCain will win - and win big - in November." -- Jeffrey KuhnerThe Washington Times
Sep. 22, 2008: "John McCain will win the presidential election, Kellyanne Conway, one of the country's most respected Republican pollsters, tells Newsmax." -- Ronald Kessler
Oct. 9, 2008: "I have received numerous emails from Republicans and Democrats alike, asking whether I still think Obama will lose the election. Yes, I do. But what about the polls, they ask? The polls show that Obama is winning. No, they don't, as I will explain." -- Steven M. Warshawsky
Oct. 25, 2008: "[T]here are real signs pointing to a McCain victory this year, whether or not the mainstream media wants to acknowledge them." -- Steven M. Warshawsky
Oct. 28, 2008: "The Seven Reasons McCain-Palin Are a Lock to Win." -- Dan Perrin
Nov. 2, 2008: Obama will win the popular vote but lose the election -- Fred Barnes
Nov. 3, 2008: "I think John McCain will win a squeaker over Barack Obama." -- Ed Morrissey
Nov. 3, 2008: "Throw out the polls. All of them.... The fact is that no pollster truly knows what is going on this election cycle, because this election is unlike any other in the nation's recent history.... The final Electoral Vote tally will be 275-263 for McCain." -- Mark ImpomeniPolitics Daily
Nov. 3, 2008: "The media could be the real mid-wife of the November 4th victory by Senator McCain and Governor Palin." -- Dan Perrin
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
This "he can't win" meme is a tactic! They were wrong in 2008 and they are wrong now!

Michael Moore: Capitalism-A Love Story


Bill Moyers: Elizabeth Warren vs. Hillary Clinton (2004)

Benjamin Dixon Show: Live! Did Hillary Just School Black Lives Matter? Bernie Sanders, Marco ...

Todays Headlines: Wednesday August 19, 2015

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Tuesday the 18th of August

Bernie Sanders Chicago Fundraiser Speech, August 17, 2015

Todays Headlines: Tuesday August 18, 2015

In These Times: Machinists Union Members Angered Over Hillary Clinton Endorsement, 
Say They Want Sanders

Radio Free: Why Ordinary Republicans Vote for Bernie

News Radio 106.7: Bernie Sanders Meets with Long Time Friend, Jesse Jackson

Bustle: Bernie Sanders Will Meet with Deray McKesson and Other Black Lives Matter Activists

ABC7Chicago: Bernie Sanders Makes Campaign Stop in Chicago

Chicago Suntimes: Bernie Wows the Crowd in Chicago

Chicago Tribune: Sanders Rails Against Establishment Politics

USA Today: Up to 305 Clinton Emails Might Have Classified Data

Bloomberg Politics: Sanders on Campaign Finance Reform

Good Magazine: Hillary Clinton Meets with Black Lives Matter (video)

BET: When Black Lives Matter Activists Went Toe to Toe with Hillary Clinton

Examiner: Bob Woodward Compares Clinton Email Server to Nixons Watergate Tapes

Cosmopolitan: How Symone Sanders Got a Seat at the Table with Bernie Sanders

Monday, August 17, 2015

Good Magazine: Hillary Clinton Meets with Black Lives Matter Video

Hillary Clinton Meets with Black Lives Matter, here.

Oh, my...she doesn't get it and takes no responsibility.

CNN and Jesse Jackson Twitter: Bernie Sanders Meets with Old Friend, Jesse Jackson in Chicago

Michael Eric Dyson: Interviews Lil B About His Endorsement

The Daily Conversation: Bernie Sanders Profile

Bernie2016TV: Sanders Chicago Fundraiser, Meet and Greet (8/17/2016) Live Coverage

Daily Kos: Bernie Guest on Jesse Jacksons Radio Show

Benjamin Dixon Show: Hey, Bernie Sanders! Race. Hey, Black Lives Matter! Economics. (August 17, 2015)

Music Video Monday: 92 Year Old Singer-Songwriter Performs Journey with Bernie!

Bernie Calls Out the Media in Dubuque August 16, 2015 Bernie Sanders to Meet with Deray of Black Lives Matter to Talk Racial Justice Policies

Just Breaking!

Politico: Bernie Sanders to Meet with Deray McKesson of Black Lives Matter to 
               Talk About Racial Justice Platform and Policies

Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Monday August 17, 2015

Todays Headlines: Monday August 17, 2015

Daily Kos: Bernie Sanders Special Guest on Jesse Jackson Radio Program

New York Times: Bernie Sanders has Heard About that Hashtag

National Sun Times: Bernie Sanders Surges in New Poll

CBS News: Bernie Sanders Promises to Tackle Racism Bernie Sanders Can Win

New York Daily News: Sanders Sees Surge in Online Support

New York Times: Activists Feel The Bern

Burlington Free Press: Jane Sanders Talks Bernie, Politics and Winning

The New Yorker: Enter Sandman

Chicago Sun-Times: Bernie Hits Chicago for a Fundraiser

PoliticusUSA: Sanders Campaign to Add Five Offices

Examiner: Without a Helicopter Sanders Stole the Show in Iowa

Huffington Post: Sanders Did Not Send That Apology Letter

Business Insider: FBI Investigation into Hillary Clinton's Private Email

Real Clear Politics: Mark Halperin-Clinton Email Scandal not a Joking Matter

Sunday, August 16, 2015

New Poll: Sanders Doubles Support, Closes in on Hillary

From the Weekly Standard, Michael Warren:

Vermont senator Bernie Sanders has doubled his support in the Democratic presidential primary since June while frontrunner Hillary Clinton has seen her support among primary voters nationally drop by more than 20 points in that same time. That's according a new poll from Fox News that shows Clinton with 49 percent support to Sanders's 30 percent support.

Read the rest of the report, here.

Town Hall Meeting in Boone, Iowa on August 15, 2015

CNN: Media Paying Insufficient Attention to Bernie Sanders

Todays Headlines: Sunday August 16, 2015

Bernie Sanders Will Appear on Meet the Press Today August 16, 2015

Sunday Funnies: Political Season Cartoons

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Senator Sanders Unfiltered: Ripping Off America (September 11, 2009)

Meet Marcus Ferrell, Sanders New African-American Outreach Coordinator

Marcus Ferrell, Sanders New African-American Outreach Coordinator

Read about the new coordinator here.

Sanders Campaign Reaches Out to Black Lives Matter Activists

Darren Sands, of Buzzfeed News, reports the Sanders campaign has reached out to Black Lives Matters leaders and made an earnest request to have a "real dialogue" and "a more formal interaction with the movement".

Good news in my opinion.  Read all about it here.

Iowa State Fair Soapbox with Bernie Sanders August 15, 2015


New Yorker: Political Scene Podcast with Ryan Lizza August 14, 2015

Benjamin Dixon Show: How to be Better Progressive Allies! #BlackLivesMatter, Bernie San...

Real People for Bernie Sanders: Larry Coleman

Todays Headlines: Saturday August 15, 2015

Real Time with Bill Maher: Talib Kweli – #BlackLivesMatter August 14, 2015

Bernie Sanders Speech at Wing Ding Dinner Clear Lake, Iowa August 14, 2015

Friday, August 14, 2015

Stunning Panoramic Photograph of Bernie Sanders Rally in Los Angeles by Michael Holden

Michael Holdens Stunning Panoramic Photo of Bernies LA Rally

And a beautiful still image!  What a night....almost 28,000 people in attendance to hear the truth!

Henry Rollins Endorsement for Bernie

Ed Schultz News and Commentary: Friday the 14th of August

Flashback Friday: Anyone Remember This One

Happytown: Hey Bernie Sanders

Todays Headlines: Friday August 14, 2015

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Iowa Secretary of State Announces Straw Poll Results on Twitter

Rachel Maddow Show: Bernie Sanders Grassroots Bearing Fruit (August 13, 2015)

Ed Schultz: News and Commentary Thursday August 13, 2015

Todays Headlines: August 13, 2015

Laura Flanders Show: Richard Wolff On Bernie Sanders and Socialism

Brookings: Bernie Sanders, black lives matter, and the political wisdom of holding allies accountable

The Brookings Institute just published an online article by Fellow Vanessa Williamson about the role of activism in enacting change.  I think that many strategies need to be employed, except violence. Interruption is one of them and has been used by AIDS activists, LGBT activists and Black Rights activists before #Black Lives Matters.

From Vanessa Williamson at Brookings:
Last Saturday, Bernie Sanders, the Vermont senator running to the left of Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination, was confronted at a rally in Seattle by members of the Black Lives Matter movement. The event followed a town hall meeting in Phoenix in July, at which Sanders and fellow Democratic candidate Martin O’Malley were interrupted by activists seeking greater attention for racial justice issues. Since then, a slew of articles have suggested that Black Lives Matter activists “err,” are getting it “wrong,” and even that they have been “remarkably dumb” in targeting Bernie Sanders.

Read the rest, here.